Wednesday, February 8, 2012

A Cold Day At The Beach

At the beach it was so windy it felt like a hurricane was about to hit. I stayed in the car hoping that the sun would come out again. The wind was getting stronger and stronger as the spray of the sea was hitting my windows. Looks like where going home... :(


alastairsdixon said...

I kept in the car expecting that the sun would come out again. The blowing breeze flow turbine was getting more powerful and more powerful as the apply of the sea was reaching my windows.

cab company in kingston

Cruz said...

Wow Kingston
That was a great poem and what was even better was that you didn't use the word'COLD', we're tryin to make the audience feel that way and you did. Next time try and make it a bit longer so that people get really hooked in :)
Keep up the good work

Samuela said...

Wow Kingston
You wrote a fantastic poem about going to the beach. I really like how you put a sad face on your writing because know that you were pretty sad when you had to go home. I can't wait to see your next blog post Kingston!.

Keep up the good writing mate!!!.